Here is a list of high quality, high rating (by reviewers), DisplayPort Video Cards, Adapters & Cables.
Many people lately have been buying cheap knockoffs and bad quality cables and adapters and have had a lot of problem troubleshooting what was wrong. VESA conducted a market research to test out cables and adapters from generic brands and saw that there was indeed a lot of those components that were not built to specifications and bound to give the user problems.
Therefore buy only high quality, peer reviewed products from the most reputable brands: you'll save in time, money, headaches & frustrations.
Just enter your email address below & to receive my weekly newsletter where I assemble for you the BEST DEALS of the WEEK on the BEST PRICE-PERFORMANCE & MOST POPULAR computer parts on sale for that week:
NOTE: I created this newsletter because most online sales / deals don't last long (from a few hours to a few days) but can allow you to save a lot if you get them fast enough. I pick and choose the best parts at the lowest price that week so you can save big and start working now.