Here are the cheapest top 10 cheapest pcie x1 video cards currently on the market as of March 2025 (starting from cheapest).
NOTE: this list is curated to remove any bad quality, problematic or products that are simply too much trouble for the few dollars they would save. These are only the best, high quality but cheap (in price) video cards.
NOTE 2: this list is updated monthly with the lowest price items.
HOW TO PICK THE RIGHT CARD? If you just want it for WORK (trading, work, programming) and don't play any games then choose the least expensive video card that matches the OUTPUTS & cables that you have on your monitor(s) so you won't have to spend extra money to get cables or adapters.
Memory | 512 GB RAM | Interface | PCIe x1 | Maximum monitors | 4 simultaneous monitors | Passmark | 61 | Recommended Power Supply | 350 Watts |
Memory | 1 GB DDR3 | Interface | PCIe x1 | Outputs |
Price | ONLY $ 61.37 | Memory | 1 GB 23 | Interface | PCIe x1 | Maximum monitors | 2 simultaneous monitors | Outputs |
Price | ONLY $ 135.99 | Memory | 512 GB RAM | Interface | PCIe x1 | Maximum monitors | 2 simultaneous monitors | Passmark | 230 | 3DMark | 300 | Recommended Power Supply | 350 Watts |
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