These are currently the best, most solid, yet affordable 6-monitors stands (free standing) that I have hand picked if you want to build a solid multi monitor computer.
NOTE: It is a good idea to buy only ULTRA SLIM BEZEL MONITORS (the black border around the screens) if you want to have a seamless experience like the super popular (and rigthfully so) Dell P Series 24" LED-Lit Monitor (P2419H). If you check out that monitor, remember that you can install the top monitors in a multi-monitor computer upside down, so the "thick part" of the lower bezel is up (check the link and you'll understand).
NOTE: Free standing monitor stands are perfect for people that like to move their computer around and avoid the hassle to have to uninstall everything each time.
NOTE: In the 6-monitor stand below, pay attention to the FEET / BASE of the stands. It makes a big difference to have a flat base. The other difference are additional pivots in the arms, and more movement freedom or ease of install. But be reassured: all these are top rated, most popular monitor stands so buy with confidence.
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